Friday, May 31, 2024

1000 Books Project 2024 - Nicholas Nickleby Reading Schedule

Just a refresher on this year's project. I chose Collins/Dickens because of Collins' birthday in January (we read The Moonstone in January - April) and his friendship with Dickens. 

From the this year's original challenge post:

Our second selection for this year's project is The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens. Because he is Dickens after all, Mustich does not focus on just one book by the prolific author. His write up about Dickens in 1000 Books can be found on pages 215 - 222, with commentary on Nicholas Nickleby on page 218. He refers to the book as "Pure Storytelling Bliss."

This read-along will run from June - September.

My edition: Oxford University Press (The Oxford Illustrated Dickens) 1987 - hardcover, 831 pages.

Discussions will be posted here on the blog on the dates indicated in the schedule. Feel free to stop by the discussions any time. Post your thoughts in the comments, or share a link to a blog post.

Reading Schedule
  • June: Ch. 1 - 16, pp 1 - 204
    Discussion post: June 30
  • July: Ch. 17 - 31, pp 205 - 407
    Discussion post: July 31
  • August: Ch. 32 - 46, pp 408 - 608
    Discussion post: August 31
  • September: Ch. 47 - 65, pp 609 - 831 (end)
    Discussion post: September 30
I hope you will join me!


  1. I just read the introduction last night and am ready to start the first chapter today! I've only read A Christmas Carol by Dickens. So I'm excited to dive into this one.

    1. Glad you're joining me. I've been looking forward to this one too.


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