Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Important Updates!

I have a few important updates to share...

I had to let my domain for this site go, so it has reverted back to this URL:
If you have any of the buttons from this site on your blog, you will need to update the link to the above URL. That also goes for RSS feeds, etc. I apologize for the inconvenience.

1000 Books Project...Nicholas Nickleby read-along
I am once again behind on the reading. Oof. I'm hoping to be caught up in the next couple of days and will post the discussion soon. Thanks for bearing with me.

Stephen King Challenge participants...
It's almost time for Castle Macabre's Something Wicked Fall and we are once again going to be doing a read-along of a Stephen King book. I have a poll live for people to vote for which SK book they would like to read for the read-along. Vote here:

Here is the event graphic!

That's it for now. If you have any questions, leave me a comment below.

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