Friday, September 1, 2017

The Never-Ending #AnneRice Challenge announces...The Mummy Read-Along #ReadtheMummy

Everyone knows I'm a huge Anne Rice fan (duh, the reading challenge might be a clue lol). She's my favorite author and she has written a sequel (with her son, Christopher Rice) to one of my favorites of her books, The Mummy, or Ramses the Damned. The new book is titled Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra. So, I've decided to host a read-along of the first book in honor of the sequel's release in November. This will be a reread for me and frankly, I'm pretty excited. Rereading a favorite is always fun!

 The new book...squee!

If you would like to join us, leave a comment (and a link to your post, if you do one). I will have a post ready on October 1st with the reading/discussion schedule. Note: You do not have to be a Never-Ending Anne Rice challenge participant to join in on the read-along.

I hope you will join us!



  1. I have never read anything by Anne Rice, although many of her books are on my TBR! Yes, I will join you.

  2. I want to be a part of this :)

    I am desperately waiting for her last The Vampire Chronicles book to be published in Portugal, but I never read anything apart from this series.

    So, count me in ^_^


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