I'm just going to say it...this book is kicking my ass. I'm still woefully behind on the reading. One person who was originally going to participate on the read of this book has since dropped out. I can't say I blame her. However, I'm still going to slog along because...challenge accepted. Ha.
I've decided to revise the schedule a bit, and I will warn. I'm not sure how intensive my discussion posts will be because frankly I'm not entirely sure how my retention is going to be with this book.
If you're reading along, let me know if you are struggling as well, or if you have decided to drop out too. Don't worry. I won't fault anyone if they do.
Revised Reading/Discussion Schedule
January - Books 1, 2, 3
Discussion - I will aim for Monday, February 3rd
February - Books 4, 5, 6
Discussion - March 1st
March - Books 7, 8, 9
Discussion - April 1st
Hope this works for everyone. I apologize again for being so behind, and for the disorganization.
If you're coming across this post and want to find out more about the 1000 Books Project: Non-Fiction 2020, visit this post.