I really enjoyed this book! I think I'm liking Collins' books almost as much as Dickens.
The conclusion was quite satisfying, especially since I suspected Godfrey Ablewhite, and before he was revealed as the dead sailor, I knew it was him. Not sure why...he just rubbed me the wrong way. Goody two shoes, gold digger. Ha!
I was impressed with how Collins dealt with such kindness to characters like Ezra Jennings and Gooseberry. He illustrated that smarts, usefulness, and merit are not solely attributes of those who look normal. Ezra Jennings' story was particularly heartbreaking. His selflessness in not bringing a shadow into Franklin Blake's happiness because of his death was remarkable. Such a sad passing that was.
This was a first class mystery with no real murder until the end. It was fun reading the techniques that were adopted to find out the truth behind the stealing of the diamond.
What did you think of the book? Share any and all thoughts in the comments.
Next up...
This read-along will run from June to September. I will post the reading schedule in May.