Dickens was so good at portraying the less fortunate of his time. Children who had no rights and were often mistreated. Women, whose husbands have died, and are left destitute, thrown at the mercy of often unkind relatives. And his villains! Probably some of the most detestable in the history of literature. Ralph Nickleby and the Squeers. We have so far only had glimpses of the truly horrible nature of their uncle, but we know fully well just how despicable are the Squeers. Their treatment of the boys, and especially poor Smike, makes me so angry!
I have to mention also the introduction of all these side characters who are so entertaining and interesting. How Dickens kept up with all these characters...I don't know! The Kenwigs and Mr. Gregsbury. Regarding the latter, when he was describing the duties of the secretary job, I thought to myself it sounds like he would be doing your job for you. Luckily, Nicholas was smart enough not to take the job.
Looking forward to moving on to the next reading section to see what's next for young Mr. Nickleby.
I watched the 2002 film again the other night. I have seen it many times. I really love it. I usually wait until I've finished the book to rewatch the film, but I was compelled to watch it at the beginning of the book instead. It is a very well-done film, with great performances. It seems to stay fairly close to the book, though I won't know for sure until I've read the whole book. Anyway, I recommend the film. You can watch it for free on Tubi. I noticed there are other adaptations so I may seek them out as well.
What did you think of the this section of our reading? Share any and all thoughts in the comments.
Here is the reading schedule if you need to reference it again. (Click link and scroll down)
I'll be back on July 31 with the next discussion post.