Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Handmaid's Tale - A #Resistance Read-Along #13WLRP

In light of recent events in our country, I had decided that I was going to read Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and George Orwell's 1984 in the next couple of months. I had much interaction on Facebook about these titles and, as I've been wanting to read Atwood's book for a very long time, and the TV series is coming to Hulu soon, I decided to go for it and host a read-along next month. A bonus is that this book is on List 2 (#231 in the Going Further section) for the 13 Ways of Looking at The Lifetime Reading Plan challenge. So, it will allow participants of the challenge to mark one off their list for the perpetual challenge, and the yearly challenge.

Note: You do not have to be a challenge participant to join in on the read-along. That being said, I do hope you will take a look at the challenge and think about signing up.

This is not a very long book so there will be a simple read-along schedule. My copy is the 1998 Anchor Books trade paperback edition. Total pages, 311. That page count is including a 13 page Historical Notes section at the end of the book. Excluding those pages, the page count is 295.

Discussion will take place in our Gather Together and Read group on Facebook. I will also post a discussion post here on the blog for those who are not on Facebook. When/if you mention the read-along on social media, please use the hashtag #Resistance

  • Start reading on Febrary 1st
    Read through Chapter IX - Night (ending on page 147)
  • Midpoint discussion will be on February 15 in our discussion group on Facebook - there will be a post here for those who are not on Facebook.
  • Start reading section two on February 16
    Chapter X - Soul Scrolls (page 151) - read to the end of the book (you can elect, or not, to read the historical notes - we will probably discuss, as I'm sure they give insight into the book)
  • Discussion on section two/book as a whole on February 28 in our Facebook discussion group - there will be a post here for those who are not on Facebook.
You can sign-up by posting about it on your blog (or on social media) and adding your link in the Mister Linky widget below. Please use #Resistance when sharing about this read-along on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

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  1. Great choice for the times. This book scared the HELL out of me. It's one of the scariest books I've ever read.
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

  2. This classic has been on my TBR for years!! I have the audiobook, so I'll be listening. Can't wait!! Thanks for hosting!

  3. It's definitely time for a re-read. It's a great book on its own merits, and its a cautionary tale for these times. Thank you for hosting!

  4. Looking forward to reading.
    Thanks for hosting!!
    Carol Smith

  5. Just saw this over on A Novel Challenge and I'm looking forward to reading the novel.


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